The Most Common Resin-Bound Driveway Issues and How to Prevent Them: Do’s and Don’ts

This is a photo of a Resin driveway carried out in Darlington. All works done by Resin Driveways Darlington

The Most Common Resin-Bound Driveway Issues and How to Prevent Them: Do’s and Don’ts

Resin-bound driveways are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners for their durability and aesthetic appeal. However, like any other type of driveway, certain things can go wrong if they’re not installed properly or maintained correctly. The following list of resin-bound driveway issues is followed by advice on how to avoid them:

1. Cracking and pitting

The most common problem with resin-bound driveways is cracking and pitting. Poor installation, such as using a subpar base or improper driveway compacting, is typically to blame. It can also be caused by tree roots growing underneath the driveway and pushing up or by heavy vehicles driving over it. To avoid this, ensure your driveway is installed by a professional who knows what they’re doing.

2. Stains and discoloration

Another common problem with resin-bound driveways is staining and discoloration. It may be brought on by auto oil or grease leaks or driveway stains from leaves and other debris. To avoid this, sweep your driveway regularly and clean up any spills immediately.

3. Weeds and grass

Weeds and grass can also be a problem with resin-bound driveways. They can grow between the stones or cracks in the surface, making them difficult to remove. To avoid this, ensure a sound weed barrier between your driveway and the rest of your garden.

4. Drainage problems

If your resin-bound driveway doesn’t have proper drainage, water can pool on the surface and cause damage. Also, mold and mildew growth may result from this, which is challenging to eliminate. To avoid this, make sure your driveway has a slope that allows water to drain away from it.

5. Snow and ice

Snow and ice can also be a problem with resin-bound driveways. The stones can become brittle and break if the temperature gets too cold. To avoid this, use deicing products on your driveway when necessary.

Following these tips, you can avoid the most common problems with resin-bound driveways. However the most import thing you can do is to make sure you have had your new resin driveway installed by a professional company. At Resin Driveways Darlington, we only use the best materials and all of our team are highly skilled and trained when it comes to the installation of Resin Driveways. If you have any problems, be sure to call our professionals for help.

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